Body Chemistry Balancing Test
Underlying nutritional and hormonal imbalances can trigger physical, mental or emotional ailments!
The purpose of the Body Chemistry Balancing test is to discover what biochemical disparities may exist in a person’s constitution. These cellular inconsistencies may be the root cause of numerous unwanted symptoms.
What symptoms may be caused by imbalanced body chemistry?
Any physical, mental or emotional symptom can be linked to an imbalance in body chemistry. Anxiety, depression, fatigue, irritability, chronic infections and infertility are a few examples of issues that may be improved by balancing an individual’s body chemistry.
There are 3 steps to the BCB test.
Step 1
Collection of blood and urine sample. NutriChem subsequently measures over 60 biochemical markers that can be used to measure the progress of disease or the effects of treatment. The test includes:
- Antioxidant Panel
- Hormone Panel
- Neurotransmitter Function
- General Metabolism Panel
- Energy Production Panel
- Gastrointestinal Health Panel
- Mineral and Vitamin Deficiencies
- Complete Blood Count
Step 2
One of NutriChem’s clinicians will consult with you in person, by Skype, or by telephone to go over your test results. Your test results will be discussed and the clinician will inquire about lifestyle, diet and medications. Recommendations will be made accordingly.
Step 3
Your clinician will design an optional custom compounded multivitamin and supplement formula that will be exclusively tailored to correct the biochemical disparities revealed by your BCB Test and lifestyle.