Clinic Specialties

BioIdentical Hormones

BioIdentical HormonesAre you confused about hormones and your treatment options? Are you suffering from hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, mood swings, insomnia, low libido, vaginal dryness, anxiety or depression? Read more...

Body Chemistry Balancing (BCB) Test

NutriChem Body Chemistry Balancing TestUnderlying nutritional and hormonal imbalances can trigger physical, mental or emotional ailments. The purpose of the Body Chemistry Balancing test is to identify the root cause of these ailments. The test results enable NutriChem’s clinicians to provide a personalized health solution that addresses all of your health issues. Read more...

Down Syndrome 

NutriChem Down SyndromeMuch of Kent MacLeod’s research has demonstrated that individuals with Down Syndrome have an altered biochemistry and many of them may have methylation disparities. These disparities usually result in severe deficiencies of key nutrients that are necessary for optimal health. Read more...

Fatigue/Loss of Energy

Fatigue and Loss of EnergySuffering from Fatigue, Loss of Energy and Exhaustion? The number one complaint addressed at NutriChem Clinics is lack of energy and fatigue. For certain individuals, diet, exercise and sleep may resolve fatigue. For the majority of others, an underlying biochemical imbalance is most often the culprit. Read more...

Fertility and Pregnancy

Fertility and PregnancyNutriChem wants to help you and your partner get pregnant and stay pregnant! Every pregnancy should be an optimal pregnancy. We help ensure optimal fertility, and can even compound a personalized prenatal vitamin that is customized to your body's needs. Read more...

Men’s Health 

Men's Health NutriChemThe medical community seems to focus mainly on women’s health, but many men also come to NutriChem clinics for a variety of symptoms including low libido, depression, and a lack of energy. The sex hormone testosterone is responsible for many processes in the body. Read more...

Mood and Depression 

NutriChem Mood and DepressionCanadians are among the world's biggest users of antidepressants, with as much as nine per cent of the population on one depression-fighting drug or another, according to a new study from the OECD. These are not harmless drugs. Antidepressants have significant side effects that may cause individuals to feel worse. Read more... 

Pain Management 

Pain Management NutriChemIt is estimated that up to 29% of Canadians experience chronic pain. With a broad range of pharmaceutical drugs available, why are so many people suffering? NutriChem clinics receive numerous amounts of individuals suffering from chronic pain, including fibromyalgia, and who are taking countless medications. Read more...

DISCLAIMER: Individual results will vary: everyone is different, and everyone’s protocol and lifestyle recommendations will be individualized to their specific needs. NutriChem and its staff do not offer medical advice online. Please call or email one of our clinics to set up an appointment with a clinician or nutritionist, or call or come into the pharmacy to speak with a pharmacist.